Service API

For the most part, the generation of a Graphql schema takes care of itself thanks to the excellent Graphene community. To reduce the overall boilerplate, Nautilus provides a schema factory that generates a schema to match a model:

Summarizing an External Service in A Schema

Although a service should never rely on information that it does not maintain, there are very rare cases (like the api gateway) where it is necessary to show another service’s data in a schema. In this case, nautilus provides a special base class for the object type that represents remote data.

Designating a GraphQL Equivalent of an SQLAlchemy Type

Due to the early age of the Graphene/GraphQL community, not all SQLAlchemy types have conversions already specified. If you encounter such a type, consider posting a PR. If that’s not your style, you can always register it yourself:

from nautilus.models import BaseModel
from nautilus.api import convert_sqlalchemy_type
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from graphene.core.types.scalars import String

class Product(BaseModel):
    id = Column(UUID, primary_key = True)

def convert_column_to_string(type, column):
    return String(description = column.doc)